Monday, April 12, 2010

Obnoxious Neighbor Kids

This kid two doors down from us is the biggest brat. I don't know how old she is, maybe 4, but she cries like a two year old. It's ridiculous. Every time the parents put her in the car she has a temper tantrum, every time they take her out of the car. Random times like right now. It makes me want to go out and throttle her, even though I'm sure it's the parents who really need throttling.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Ruckus

by Dr. Seuss

On top of a hill, on the island of Zort,
lived a bird called the Ruckus
whose favorite sport was making loud noises.
It gave him a thrill to be known
as the loudest-mouthed bird on the hill.

Then one day he said, "I can be louder still!
My voice is terrific - it ought to be heard
on many more islands than this," said the bird.

So he made his voice stronger,
till one day he found
that he learned how to make a tremendous big sound
that shook every island for 50 miles round.

"I say," laughed the Ruckus,
"I'm really some guy, but I can do better than that if I try.
I'll build up my voice, why I'll practice a year.
I'll cook up a noise that the whole world will hear."

And after he practiced for 52 weeks,
the Ruckus let loose with a mouthful of shrieks
that burst from his mouth like the moans and the groans
of ten thousand elephants blowing trombones.

He yapped and he yolded, he yelped and he yilped
he gargled, he snargled, he burped, and he bilped,
and the sound went to China and knocked down 3 cats,
and in England, it blew off 8 bus drivers' hats.

"Oh boy," laughed the Ruckus, "I'm really some bird.
I've opened my mouth and made myself heard."

Then a little old worm came up out of the ground.
"That's true," said the worm, "that was quite a big sound.
But I have a question to ask, if I may:
You've opened your mouth, but just what did you say?"