Monday, February 21, 2011

Kombu Egg Soup

Here's a new one. Sarah the Healthy Home Economist's video about Asian grocery stores a week or two ago pushed me to actually visit an Asian grocery store I'd been eyeballing for a while. While I was there, I saw many interesting things I'd like to try at some point - all kinds of frozen fish and other sea creatures, ducks, coconut, lots of pickled things...

I bought (this time) two cans of thai curry paste (no artificial ingredients or chemicals) and a bag of thinly sliced, dried kombu, a type of seaweed. I haven't touched the curry paste yet, but for lunch yesterday I made Kombu Egg Soup, recipe and photo courtesy of Mark's Daily Apple.

It was really quite tasty, and surprisingly filling. I used chicken stock rather than beef, because that's what I had, and I didn't have miso paste, so to give it a little more flavor I added a splash of soy sauce and several drops of hot sauce. Also, I don't know why the recipe doesn't mention it, but after adding the kombu to the broth, it formed an incredibly sticky, slimy clear layer on top. It was hard to tell if it was just a layer on top or if the whole pot had turned to slime, however once the soup boiled, this mucilaginous substance became more of a foam and I was able to scoop it out and throw it away (it stayed very sticky and I had to pull it off my slotted spoon with my fingers). The rest of the liquid was perfectly normal and not slimy at all. (The seaweed wasn't slimy either.)

If you like trying new things and want a really nutritious meal, I'd definitely recommend this soup.