Friday, April 20, 2007

Grump on a Rope

Our lizard, recently dubbed "Grump," has been acting up lately. He'll run around his tank furiously trying to get out, literally THROWING himself at the glass, until we finally let him out, and then he'll run over to the sliding glass doors and do the same thing until he tires himself out and goes off to sulk behind the TV or the paper shredder (his 2 favorite spots.) So Monday I bought a leash so we could take him outside. I think he likes it :o)


Anonymous said...

You know that's the oddest choice of pets :)

He's not at all what I thought he'd look like! :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Audry, I love it! Tons of closit space! What does the curvie line brtween the tile floor and the wood floor meen? You aren't realy going to have that shape, it would be very hard to do. I realy like the seperate "water closet" too! I like the little hall, it reminds me of the house on Marwill st. in Albany. I realy liked that house.