Saturday, April 28, 2007


One of the worst things about living in the south, I've discovered, is the bugs. Roaches to be specific. So far this year we've only had a couple in the apartment, but tonight there was a huge one- a good inch-and-a-half plus. But tonight, rather than try to catch the thing under a container, and then slide a cardboard underneath and transport it to the toilet, all the while worrying that it will manage to slip out, Jeff has this great idea to SHOOT it- with a rubber band gun that is:

The bug actually took 3 hits- the first one knocked it off the wall, and i think took off a couple legs, the second slowed him down as he ran frantically in circles, and the third one literally shredded him:

Pretty effective.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is too funny! Jeff should go into business!