Saturday, May 12, 2007

I lifted 2 tons today

Yes, with my own two arms.

No, no pulleys.

Well, no. Not all at once.

I never really thought about how much 1836 square feet of solid oak flooring WEIGHS until last night when Jeff and I suddenly had to come up with somewhere to store it and a means of getting it there... by 9:30 this morning.

Most people who read my blog know that we're buying a house in 2 weeks and that we plan to do some major work to it as soon as we move in. You may not have heard that we bought enough wood flooring last weekend to do the entire house except for the 2 full baths and one bedroom. It seemed a little like putting the cart before the horse, so to speak, but the price was unbelievable... less than carpet... and they said they were happy to hold it for 3 weeks until we closed on the house and had a place to store it.

Well, fast forward to last night when we got a call from the store manager who sold us the floor saying that a deal for someone to buy the chain had fallen through and the store was closing, his job had ended that night, but he still had a key and could get us in to pick up our flooring the next morning, provided the security company that had just been hired didn't put the store into lockdown mode before then. He didn't seem to think we'd have much of a chance of getting our hands on it after then-- the store claims no responsibility for merchandise not picked up at point of sale. Oh, and we'd paid by check. It had already been cashed.

So, what's the cheapest way to transport all this wood to wherever we're going to keep it? Will it fit in a u-haul pickup, or would we be better off with the cargo van? wait a minute, how much does oak weigh? 48 lb/ cubic foot... let's see... 1500 square feet x 5/8" thick = 78 cu. ft....... um, 3750 lbs. Yeah. No 3/4 ton pickup for us. Nope, the Home Depot truck can't carry 2 tons either. And the 10 foot u-haul box truck costs 89 cents/ mile in addition to the rental fee, and the flooring is like 20 miles from us. Oh yeah, and WHERE are we going to PUT this stuff???

Well, to make a long story short we found a storage place, Uncle Bob's, where they have a 12' box truck that they'll let you use free of charge if you rent a storage unit. Amazingly, not only do they have climate-controlled storage, but they also rent month to month, they rent from the first of the month to the first of the month, and if you sign up on May 12th, yes, you can rent only till June 1st if you want. And if you found them on the internet you get 1/2 off your first month. I think this place was MADE for us. We got truck rental and a 5'x10' climate controlled storage unit for 2 weeks for $39 including the $15 administration fee.

Now we get to the lifting 2 tons part. When we got to Pineville, the now unemployed store manager was waiting with 2 pallets of material and a forklift. He also threw in all the rest of that flooring that was in stock for another $100, bringing the total to 1836 sq feet.... and 4590 lbs. (The truck was a Ford E-350 and both of us, believing the -350 to mean that the max payload was 3500 lbs, were extremely stressed out the whole time we were driving around with 1000 lbs more than that in the back. I looked up the truck's specs later, and depending on the wheelbase it actually can carry from 4600-6600 lbs, but that didn't help our stress level at the time.) Getting it onto the truck was no problem. Getting if off, on the other hand, had to be done 1 box at a time: 136 33-lb boxes of wood flooring. When 33 lbs is about 1/3 your weight this is no easy task, but if Jeff had had to climb into the truck to get every box, it would have taken 3 times as long, and he'd have been even more tired at the end. So I stood in the back of the truck and moved each box to the back, where Jeff picked it up and carried it into the storage unit. 33 lbs at a time, I lifted 2 TONS of flooring and carried them a few feet, and put them down again. A few months ago I did 3 two-arm curls with one of Jeff's 33-lb dumbells, and I was sore for 2 days. I'm very worried about not being able to move tomorrow, but we'll see how it goes.


Anonymous said...

LMAO - you're not going to be able to move for the next week. Did you take a hot bath and lather yourself with bengay?

And take some aleve. Girl you're going to need it

Jeff said...

When I first read the title of this post I thought of my mother-in-law. But then I said, no, Audry could not have lifted her because she's still in NY.

And then I remembered the flooring. How could I have forgetten? Oh, the AGONY!

B_Rad_389 said...

Boy!Isn't God good! I'm not surprised at your ability to do it Audry but Iwon't be surprised if you can't get out of bed today eather. You or Jeff! My question is who's going to make breakfast? P S Thanks Jeff, It's a good thing I know you love me.

--mom/ Mother In Law

Jeff said...

I do love you, Brad. But I think you should stop impersonating your mother, it's getting very confusing!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That story is too funny. I am happy it all worked out for you to still get the flooring...but that was quite the story. Now that it is three days later, how are you feeling? =)

Audry said...

actually not too bad. I was really sore everywhere on sunday, and pretty sore yesterday too, but today i just have a few pains in my lower back if i bend the wrong way. all in all not nearly as bad as i was afraid it would be :o) still, Jeff's getting some guys to help him move it to the house!

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