Saturday, July 21, 2007

More Clearing

Yay, it was cool again today! well, not as cool as last weekend, but it was a beautiful day and we got about 4 hours of jeans and boots work in without dying of the heat. We lopped for 2 hours first thing this morning, before even showering (why shower just to get dirty and sweaty?) and then spent 2 hours this afternoon chipping. There's still a lot to chip (everything from last weekend plus everything from this morning) but the new chipper works great, and it's fun too :oD

then of course, there will be more lopping, cutting down everything that's too big to lop, chipping it all... going to be a long process.

Here's a couple pics of where we were working today. In case you haven't been to our house and seen what it looked like before, this whole area was impenetrable brush right up to the path, pretty much everywhere you see skinny trees standing:

and here's another project for the not-too-distant future, the poison ivy field:

work on the screened porch will resume tomorrow afternoon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh I don't envy you. That a whole heck of a lot of clearing :)
