Monday, December 3, 2007

Things about me...

that sort of (but don't really) have some sort of connection to the letters of the alphabet.

Jennifer posted this on her blog and asked me to do the same. Since she's so nice and sends me lots of things like audio books and italian lessons and stuff, I figured I'd oblige.

A - Age: 28 (for another week anyway)

B - Best Friend: Jeff... if you want non-husband best friend that would be Jennifer

C - Choice of Meat: yum! meat! how could I pick a favorite, I love so many meats prepared so many ways

D - Dream Date: wandering the Italian countryside with my sweetie

E - Exciting Adventure: Going to Italy, renting a car, and trying to get by without counting on Italians being able to speak English :-D

F - Favorite Food: Sushi!

G - Greatest Accomplishment: me? accomplish? I'm more the type to get some great idea and finish it 3/4 of the way ::sigh::

H - Happiest Day of you Life: let's see... I was happy on my wedding day, but also kind of stressed... maybe the day after my wedding? the day we FINALLY got the word we would be closing on the sale of our NY house was pretty happy too :-D

I - Interests: currently-- Learning Italian, getting my Architecture License, Ancient Egyptian Chronology, Old Testament Chronology, Teaching, Photography, Audiobooks... I have too many interests for my attention span, that's always been my problem

J - Joke: How do you kill a blue elephant? (shoot it with a blue elephant gun)
How do you kill a pink elephant? (No, hold it's nose till it turns blue, then shoot it with your blue elephant gun)

K - Kool-Aid: no way you'll catch me drinking Kool-Aid

L - Love: is a good thing

M - Most Valued Possession: sadly... probably my computer. At least, it's (contents anyway) the least replaceable and therefore what I'd be most likely to try to grab if the house was burning down. or can i list the house as my most valued possession? That's certainly the most valuABLE...

N - Name: Audry

O - Outfit You Love: Idk, depends on my mood

P - Pizza Toppings: Everything (yeah, I even like anchovies, though i RARELY eat them because I never eat a whole pizza, and nobody ever wants anchovies even on the other half of their pizza) generally the more toppings the better though

Q - Question Asked to You the Most: idk. i don't think I get asked one question more than others, unless it's something like "how you doing?"

R - Radio Station: 89.9 WDAV Classical

S - Sport: Sport?

T - Television Show: I haven't had TV for 5 years and rarely watched it for some years before that. If you want to go WAY back though, my favorite show of my childhood was definitely MacGyver. I LOVED that show.

U - Umbrella in the rain?: every time it rains I say to myself, "man, why didn't I get an umbrella after the last time this happened?" and yet still, I haven't bought one, even though I'm always looking at them at the store...

V - Video: um.... 2 at a time from netflix :-D

W - Winter: not my favorite season. one good snow is nice, but having the ground covered for months and moths I can do without. also not a big fan of being COLD ALL THE TIME. which is one reason why I moved to NC, where it was 60 deg today while my siblings who still live in NY had a snow day :-D

X - X-rays recently?: not unless you count those bitewings at the dentist

Y - Year Born: 1978

Z - Zodiac Sign: are stupid


Anonymous said...

Hehe - Not big on Zodiac Signs huh :D

Cool. It's fun reading your responses :D

PS why did you change who can make a post. I could only do this Anonymously cause the guest option disappeared :(

Audry said...

hmm... I didn't change any of my settings, I wonder why the guest option isn't there. i'll look into it and see if I can fix it.

Audry said...

i don't know. i looked and I have "anyone" selected as who can post. i guess that's the problem with free blogs. sorry.