Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Funny Story

So, Jeff and I like to drink wine.  We don't go crazy or anything, but we like to have a glass with dinner pretty regularly, and to keep ourselves to a budget we take our monthly wine allowance to Total Wine and More at the beginning of each month and pick out our bottles for the month.  Well, we were almost finished with the ritual tonight-- I had picked mine and Jeff needed a $7 bottle to be right on the money.  He wanted to try something new, so we're trolling around the store, trying to find something interesting-looking, when all of a sudden out of nowhere a salesman comes walking over to us, asking quite enthusiastically, "What does the perfect glass of red wine taste like?"

Jeff and I look at each other, and back at him, slightly confused, and he asks again.  I shrug, not sure how to describe the "perfect glass of red wine"  and Jeff says "Aahhhh" in a contented voice.

The salesman's reply to this: "Six dollars and ninety-nine cents, Nostrada Tempranillo Tarragona"


"Nostrada Tempranillo Tarragona, it's a fantastic wine, we sell tons of it, people come back looking for it.  More even than a Blackstone or--"

"Blackstone's one of my favorites," says Jeff

"Oh!" says the salesman, "Oh, you're going to love this, I'm going to blow you away, come here..."

He scampers over to a computer, and we follow along and watch over his shoulder as he pulls up the monthly sales records for Blackstone Merlot, Jeff's favorite wine and one the salesguy says is probably the most popular wine in the country right now.  They sell about a case a week, with some weeks quite a bit higher.  Then he looks up the Nostrada he's been touting-- the store sells over 40 bottles most weeks.  So Jeff says sure, throw it at me.  It's the exact price we were looking for after all, and at this point it's definitely safe to say it's "interesting."  The guy leads us to the Spain section of the store, picks an unassuming bottle off the bottom shelf, hands it to Jeff, and hurries away as suddenly as he appeared.  We took the bottle home and of course had to try it right away, and you know what?

It's delicious.  


Anonymous said...

:D $7 well spent :)


Anonymous said...
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deedee said...

I'll try this wine - hope it's as good as you say