Monday, May 26, 2008


Jeff built our first bridge yesterday! And I helped! I don't have a ton of time to write right now, but I think pictures speak louder in this case anyway.

Squaring it up:

Bridging is in, but the light is fading fast:

He got all but the end pieces of decking on (those needed to be ripped down and shaped) but the dark won!

The next morning: FINISHED!
(eventually the area between the decks will be landscaped, with a nice, stepping-stone path down to the bridge)

Doesn't it look lovely from upstream?


Charles said...

Wow that looks good! Seems like you guys have some big plans. What size are the beams you used for the three main struts? they look huge in the picture...

Cameron said...

look pretty good...

what do you plan on doing on the other side of the stream anyways?
need to get across with the lawn mower? :P

mom said something about more than one bridge?

Audry said...

Thanks guys, glad you like it!

Charles, the beams are 2x10's they're actually made from 3 pieces with the ends cut at a slight angle and butted together with plywood screwed to the back so we could make the curve without having to use an ENORMOUS single piece...

Cameron, we're not going to do too much over there, probably won't mow, but we will have a path that sort of winds around and ends up at a second bridge (not built yet) It's a nice area over there and we just want to be able to walk over and enjoy it. You'll see next time you visit :-D

Anonymous said...

Nice :D Can't wait to see it - AND the FINISHED kitchen in October :D


Charles said...

oh, now I see. the plywood makes it look much wider.

Cameron said...

yea mom told me that after i posted that.

you should take some more pictures of the outside. so i can see how much it has changed.

Anonymous said...

What happen to you posting the other pictures as you said you were going to :D :D


PS: Hope you're enjoying the mini vacation/anniversary weekend...while I'm stuck here at work with no one to talk to :D haha

Audry said...

i was so busy with other things, getting ready to leave, that i didn't get to take pictures till it was too dark to get good ones. i'll take some tomorrow and try to post then.