Friday, September 5, 2008


Ugh.  The scene that greeted us when we got home today was not quite as nice as yesterday.  Yes, the second floor and roof are framed, and they're lookin' good from outside:

Inside, on the other hand, is another story...
All their tools, scraps, debris, just littering the bedroom, guess they didn't think we'd need a place to sleep tonight.  And worse than that, they left the window openings wide open!  Hello?  Jeff is out there now covering them with plastic.  ::sigh:: I sure hope they're planning to come back tomorrow.

Here's the disaster area outside:


Anonymous said...

Dear J & A,

Hang in there - this too shall pass!

Feeling your pain . . . . Mom B.

Jeff said...

Yes, it's a mess! I've worked on and visited probably hundreds of construction sites and ours is one of the worst I've ever come across. It looks as if the framers were deep into their work and suddenly one of them realized it was one minute past quitting time and they all dropped their tools in mid-motion and ran off to their trucks and sped away.

Not only did they leave the window openings exposed to the house as Audry mentioned, but they left extension cords everywhere, tools lying all over the place, wood pieces of every size and shape lying in every nook and corner and walkway inside and outside the addition, saw dust by the truck load, soda cans and Gatorade bottles in the house and yard, and of all things, my own ladder leaning against the addition and conveniently situated under an exposed window opening for any nefarious thug to climb up in the dark of night and murder us in our sleep.

Although, I seriously doubt he’d ever make it over the obstacle course of debris before waking us in plenty of time to escape.

Anonymous said...

Messy :D But cool you have your addition
