Friday, October 24, 2008

Cleaning Bathrooms

I just want to take this opportunity to say what a wonderful husband I have. In addition to all the other things he does (like remodeling our house) he cleans the bathrooms. He always cleans the bathrooms. He cleans the toilets, and the mildew on the bad caulk job in our shower, and the sinks and mirrors and everything else. I occasionally clean some minor thing in the bathroom, but I don't think I've cleaned a toilet since we've been married.

AND... I never even asked him to.

He's the best. Thanks sweetie :-*


Unknown said...

lol - you're lucky :D I hate cleaning bathrooms :D

Audry said...

I know it- I hate cleaning bathrooms too :D

Unknown said...

so that should be one requirement of a future husband - willing to clean bathrooms :D hehe

Audry said...

it's definitely a good trait :D

Shielagh said...

BUT if the future husband doesn't clean the bathrooms, be sure he at least doesn't pee on the toilet :) (no, mine doesn't ...)

Jeff said...

Ah, the solution is easy here: Lift toilet seat, take care of business, replace seat. It's a very easy habit to adopt :)

Shielagh said...

Just to clarify, my husband doesn't pee on the seat.

Audry said...

yeah, you said that already, I think Jeff was just making a general reply to the idear...