Saturday, January 24, 2009

100 Pushups

Jeff and I started an experiment this week.  We found a website that has a set of charts for 5 sets of pushups 3 days a week.  You test yourself to see how many pushups you can do in a row, then pick a column in the chart for week one based on the result of that test.  Then each Monday, Wednesday and Friday you do the prescribed number of pushups, with the prescribed breaks between sets, and after two weeks you test yourself again. Based on that number you move on to the appropriate column of the chart for weeks 3 and 4. The idea is that after 6 weeks you'll be able to do 100 pushups without stopping.  Of course, 6 weeks is the minimum, they do have a disclaimer that you may have to repeat some weeks, but the idea is that even if it takes 7 or 8 or 9 weeks, if you do them the way they say, you'll eventually be able to do 100 in a row.  

For my initial test last Saturday, I did 19 pushups.  Three days this past week, I've done 5 sets of pushups for a total of 40 on Monday, 42 Wednesday, and 46 yesterday.  You max out for the last set each day, so you're always getting a good workout.  Jeff could already do about 25 pushups, so he started on week 3, and he did 78 pushups Monday and 89 pushups this morning! (in 5 sets-- the ones he was supposed to do for Friday-- but still, it's significantly more than he could do even on Monday.)

We're pretty excited, even if we don't get to the goal of 100 in a row (I'm betting Jeff will) it's still cool to be able to do a lot of pushups, and the program is a good motivator.

I'll post an update when we take our progress tests next weekend :D


Unknown said...

*sigh* I should start this too - mond-wed-fri

It's NOT that hard, so why can't I do it *sigh* I'm a wimp - my arms are flabby ugh

Charles said...

Ok So I went to the site and looked it over and it looks cool. HOWEVER, I am confused. I did the test and I can do 50 pushups straight with good form. Do I start on week 5 or what?

Audry said...

Yes, that's how I interpreted it. Jeff started right away on week 3.

Charles said...

Thanks. Did you get my messages about the super bowl?

Audry said...

yes, i'll call you later.

Charles said...

Wow! Im not sure that They are right on the sheet 'cause I started on the week five over 40 workout and I did it but I couldnt do 60 second breaks... more like a couple minutes. there are 170 pushups in that workout with 4 60 second breaks! How am I supposed to be able to do that when I can only do 50?

Audry said...

yeah, I don't know... doesn't it say break 60 sec more if needed? Jeff had the same problem on week 4... he did week 3 fine but then the 60 sec breaks on week 4 were too short. I'm repeating week 1. You could always start on a lower week and work up, or just take longer breaks.

Charles said...

I Think I am Just going to do this week a couple of times in a row since I can "do" the first day and the other two look a lot easier. I think I will step up when I can do this week with ease. It also occurs to me that the chart could be extended so we could get even more "beastin'"

Charles said...

Oh yeah, If you want to see some really crazy fitness stuff look up cross fit and find some of their workout and competition videos!

Cameron said...

lolz 'beastin'

i think i might try it out, i think i cando 5. =]

Cameron said...

and Charles.

since you're right on the threshold in between ween 4 and 5 you might just try starting in week 4 instead.

Audry said...

Cameron, I'm assuming you thought you could to week five, since I'm sure you can do more than 5 pushups.... have you tried it yet? What do you think?

Jeff and I are both finding that we aren't progressing through the weeks the way the program would indicate we should be. We've decided to do each day until we can do it (including the "minimum" max) and then move on to the next day. Last night I did 11-15-9-9-14 (max was at least 13)

Charles said...

Actually Cameron I am on the threshold between the easiest week 6 and the hardest week five so I did start on the easier one....

Jeff said...

I cannot get beyond week 4. The 60-second breaks are way too short and don't allow my shoulders enough time to recover. They burn and cramp so much that I physically can't do the pushups without longer rests in between sets. I can do the suggested number of repetitions, but with longer breaks.

Despite this obstacle, my chest measurement now rivals that of Dolly Parton.

Charles said...

I have the same problem jeff

Jeff said...

With your breast size, or the short rests?

Cameron said...

he is actually suffering from the stomach size.

and no i haven't tried it but i suppose i should.. lets see if my young body can't tough out 60 second breaks. ;)

Cameron said...

yea...i never did it.

but did you guys ever get to 100?
( i was joking around and actually meant 5 push-ups before Audry. i doubt i can do week 5)